Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Season 1 poster
67% 33%

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Season 1

Freenen is an elf with superpowers. When all the other heroes indulge in a quiet and peaceful life after saving the world, she is burdened with dark memories, of which she has accumulated plenty. Time flows differently for the elven mage than it does for humans. While a decade is a whole period for them, for an elf, it is just a moment. The plot of the fantasy series has a deep philosophical component. Freenen understands that she will outlive all her friends with whom she participated in the world battle against the Ice. The battle with the demon lord lasted for a whopping ten years. Besides the heroine, a priest and two brave warriors were also involved in it. They decide to meet again, and it only happens fifty years later. The elf sees that the priest has turned into an elderly man who will soon die. She becomes a witness to his death. Before dying, he conveys his last wish to her.
  • IMDb:
  • 9
  • Year:
  • 2023

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