Undead Murder Farce Season 1 poster
33% 67%

Undead Murder Farce Season 1

The future world is not particularly favorable to special beings. Demons, spirits, undead, monsters - they were practically exterminated. In order to survive, ancient beings have to agree to humiliating conditions of existence under the subordination of ordinary people. However, this does not make the world peaceful. Crime still thrives on the streets. Therefore, when one of the undead girls suddenly dies, the case is handed over to special detectives for investigation. Tsugaru quickly realizes that both humans and the undead are trying to throw him off track, so he tries to carry out the assigned task at all costs. He devises a cunning plan to identify the criminal. He creates a special restaurant and searches for the secrets of dishes capable of killing the undead. He will not be able to investigate calmly, as his competitors are already on the same trail and have no intention of giving all the glory to this strange guy. Tsugaru will have to face society's condemnation, problems of the newly opened culinary business, and fierce competition among detectives. Will he be able to find the solution and punish the killer, while also showing people that mythical creatures are not so different from them?
  • IMDb:
  • 7.6
  • Year:
  • 2023

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