Ninja Kamui Season 1 poster
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Ninja Kamui Season 1

The basis of an exciting story is the story of Joe Higan, who, after leaving his ninja clan, sought solitude and peace in Central America with his family. However, the past quickly catches up to him when Joe is attacked by former comrades, accusing him of betraying the sacred traditions of the clan. This ambush, which seemed to erase his life and the lives of his loved ones, but Joe manages to survive. Overcoming the consequences of a bloody battle and experiencing a profound personal transformation, he is reborn as Kamui, a ninja of the new era, with an unwavering determination to destroy those who once raised him. Along his journey, he not only gathers information about his enemies, revealing their secret plans and vulnerabilities, but also unites loyal companions around him who share his desire for justice. This epic reaches its climax in an epic confrontation with the clan leader, promising viewers not only dynamic combat scenes, but also deep reflections on the price of betrayal and the power of forgiveness.
  • IMDb:
  • 8.6
  • Year:
  • 2024

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