Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy Season 1 poster
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Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy Season 1

To die or teleport to another fantastic world, gain the powers of a hero and attractive appearance, save beauties and gallop on a beautiful horse to the applause of the crowd and gods - that's how Makoto Misumi, a schoolboy who loves books about such lucky people, imagined his rebirth and adventures in another world. But a completely different heroic story awaited him. One day, a certain Lord of the Night appeared to him and shocked him with the news that his parents had escaped from another world, making a deal with a very capricious goddess. They promised to give up the most precious thing to them for a life in a foreign universe. Standing up for his sisters, Makoto decides to follow this path in the light of the moon to repay his parents' debt. However, the stubborn goddess didn't like him. In order to get rid of the result of the unsuccessful deal, she sent him to the farthest edge of the inhabited world, to the habitats of monsters, dragons, and relatively intelligent non-human races. Whether the boy can survive and still become a hero now depends solely on him.
  • IMDb:
  • 7.6
  • Year:
  • 2021

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