Skeleton Knight in Another World Season 1 poster
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Skeleton Knight in Another World Season 1

Skeleton Knight is a character in which the hero woke up in a new world. He spent a long time leveling him up in reality, acquiring a multitude of skills and special armor. The young man approached the games with seriousness, analyzing every miss. Now he has the opportunity to show all of this in practice. The Skeleton Knight is clad in armor and has a skull for a head. But this doesn't stop Ark from saving two girls from robbers in the first few minutes of being in this new world. At first, the guy is thrilled with his new appearance. But then he realizes that reality is much more dangerous and difficult than a regular computer game. The Knight meets a brave elf girl - they become friends and embark on exciting adventures together.
  • IMDb:
  • 7
  • Year:
  • 2022

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