Plunderer Season 1 poster
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Plunderer Season 1

In the anime "Plunderer", we meet a girl named Hina. She lives in a post-apocalyptic world where the fate of each person is determined by numbers. The more numbers they have, the more privileged the resident is, and they can order others around. But as soon as the counter, as a result of various actions, reaches zero, the unfortunate person dies. This is what happens to the mother of the main heroine. However, before disappearing into the abyss, the woman instructs her daughter to find a certain Red Baron. Hina is seriously frightened and wants to fulfill the last wish of her loved one, so she immediately sets off on a search. Ahead of her are many exciting adventures, numerous dangers, and new acquaintances that will help her understand the magic of numbers, which easily take away life. You can download or watch the anime "Plunderer" online on our website. All seasons and episodes are available.
  • IMDb:
  • 6.5
  • Year:
  • 2020

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